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MTF Returns Calculator
Market Price
Expected return rate % (p.a)
Your Fund
Funded by Lemonn
₹0.00 (0x)
Returns without MTF(%)
Returns with MTF(%)
The securities are quoted as an example and not as a recommendation.
Check how MTF will work for your preferred stock
Place a Margin Trading facility order
Step 1
Select your preferred stock eligible for MTF trading on Lemonn.
Step 2
Place your order as usual and select the MTF option in the order window.
Step 3
Track your MTF positions under the Holdings tab in your portfolio.
1.What is Margin Trading Facility?
2.Can I buy all stocks on MTF?
3.What is pledging of shares on MTF?
4.How is MTF interest calculated?
5.How long can I hold an MTF position?
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